Teddy Bear’s Picnic

Junior Infants had a very special day today! We all brought our teddy bears into school this morning and it’s lucky that we did because before the day was out we needed their help with a big challenge!

After some fun in the classroom, and introducing our bears to each other, we went outside for our break! When we came back in we found Mr Bear in our room and he was lost!

He left us a note to say he was lost and asked us to help him find his friends! Of course, we were delighted to help and were glad we had our bears to help us too! Thankfully Mr Bears friends left some clues outside so we followed the clues to see where they would lead us….

The tracks lead us to the park where we found Mr Bear’s friends having a fruit picnic! We were so grateful to them for having enough fruit for us too which we enjoyed while our teacher read us the story ‘we’re Going On A Bear Hunt’

After our fruit snack and a story we were filled with energy for some games and activities. We played Musical statues and showed our cool moves! We won some cool prizes along the way too!

Our favourite game to play in school is Duck Duck Goose so of course we had to play that for a while which was great fun!

There was great excitement for pass the parcel. We had to listen for the music to stop and when it did the person who had the parcel got to unwrap it and see what was in side! There were some very exciting treats!

It was then time for lunch and afterwards we went for a play with our friends in the park! It was great fun and everyone had so much fun!

This wonderful day could not have happened without the help from some wonderful parents - thank you to those who helped leave the magical trail, to those who set up the picnic in the park and for helping to supervise the children. Also a very big thank you to Eammon Sweeney who very kindly gave up his morning to open the Heritage Centre for us so that we could use the toilets - without which we wouldn’t have been able to enjoy our day.