Spring Has Sprung!

The Junior Infants are learning all about spring this month!

We have had a flower shop added to our classroom to help use explore the new words we are learning and to reinforced our learning on plants and flowers. We also have opportunities to practice our writing by creating gift tags and are really enjoying playing with money!

We are exploring how plants grow and what they need to help them on their growing journey. One of our tuff trays is a planting station where we can explore the soil, the minibeasts that live in it and we are having a messy time filling and emptying pots to plant our seeds!

Because we have been learning about how plants grow and the different parts of a flower, we have planted our very own giant sunflowers and we can’t wait to watch them grow! We took great care planting them, and we even made a wish on our seeds before carefully sowing them in the soil. As our flowers grow, so too will our wishes!

We are a very creative bunch, and we love to make and do! In our creative tuff tray we are making flowers from egg cartons! Its great fun and we love upcycling too!

This is only week one of our new topic! We have a lot more to explore in our topic so be sure to check back here for more exciting updates!