Space Explorers In Junior Infants

The Junior Infants are exploring the topic of light and dark this month and their play topic is Space! There is a lot of fun going on that some might say is out of this world!

We created our very own rockets so that we can blast off in to outer space!

We have made our own alien play-doh!

We followed some tricky instructions and made some very impressive UFO and Alien pictures!

We have learned all about how shadows are formed and we had great fun exploring the shadows that our toys can make. We discovered that the shadow changes depending on where the light shines from. We traced around our toys shadows and tried to guess what toys matched each shadow

We have learned all about sources of light and where light comes from. Did you know that the moon is not a source of light, but that it just reflects the light from the sun? Look at all of the sources of light that we brainstormed together! We are a clever bunch!