SEAI Workshops

The children from 1st-6th class had a visit from the SEAI this week and got to take part in some very interesting workshops.

The children talked about the ways in which energy is used and the different things they can do to save energy. They were introduced to Guzzler the puppet who wasn't very good at saving energy and desperately needed them to teach him, for example, by turning off the light when he leaves a room or turning off the television when he is not using it.

Individual children took turns to mime some of the different ways in which we use energy while the others guessed what they were doing for example, brushing their teeth, ballet dancing and playing sports. Some children were involved in a clothes dressing race where they were encouraged to put on an outfit over their own clothes, as quickly as possible, while the other children cheered them on. They then discussed how they had used energy, which generated heat and that this had warmed up their bodies. Guzzler then told the children that he 'ate sunshine'.

There were many puzzled faces at first but some children then demonstrated how the sun shines on plants and that when we eat plants, we harvest energy from the plants, that begun as sunlight. Guzzler had therefore 'eaten sunshine' because he had eaten the corn that had grown after being exposed to sunlight.

The children enjoyed the workshop and had great fun. There were smiles all round.
