River studies by 5th and 6th class


5th and 6th class have been studying the topic of rivers this month.

We have linked it in literacy to our class novel, ‘Journey To The River Sea’ by Eva Ibbotson which we have thoroughly enjoyed.

We created 3D models of a river profile in art, and although they took a long time (and a bit more patience) they have turned out really well! We started with a simple piece of cardboard. We used scrunched up pieces of newspaper to create the structure and secured it to the card with masking tape. We covered the structure with newspaper soaked in PVA glue and finally covered the model with white paper. When it was dry we painted it and we labelled all the various parts of the river on our profiles.

In Geography we have been learning about the stages of a river, the features of a river and how they are formed and the journey of a river. The children were set the task of completing a river project for the end of our topic and they all presented fabulously researched and presented projects. They included information on rivers, river features, uses of rivers, river life, river pollution and more. Each child also completed a case study on a river of their choice.

The children learned so much from each other about rivers as they each had the chance to present their work to their peers. We also took advantage of the sunny weather and took our classroom outside to put on a project display for the rest of the school and all the parents.