Morse Code in 5th and 6th

5th and 6th class have been learning all about how the people of WW2 communicated with one another during the war. Using a Morse code key, we cracked a few premade codes in pairs but then it was time to make our own Morse code machines.

Our first task was to experiment and investigate how to get a light bulb to work using the electricity materials. This took a bit of trial and error but eventually using our prior knowledge of energy we all created a successful circuit. However we observed that some lights were brighter than others and some groups were able to light up two bulbs in the one circuit. Before moving on to the next task, each group came up with some recommendations to improve their circuits.

Our next task was to create a circuit with a switch 1 metre from the bulb. Once each group had created their circuits, they began sending their own messages to one another. We had so much fun creating our circuits and sending messages. However, we also discovered how much patience people must of had reading all those Morse code messages!