Gingerbread houses in 5th and 6th

This week in 5th and 6th class we attempted to bake gingerbread houses. In a week which saw us perform our Gogglebox Christmas Special play for our parents, we knew this was always going to be ambitious. On Wednesday we made our gingerbread dough. We used a template to which was carefully measured to ensure our house would assemble correctly. On Wednesday and Thursday we baked the gingerbread. On Friday, having collected our gingerbread, we noticed that there were a number of casualties. We took great care in mixing up some edible glue using icing sugar and water we carried out some running repairs. Having done this we carefully assembled our houses. In a number of cases, we opted for 2-d or even flat packed houses, but there were also a number of successes!

Having enjoyed the baking so much this week, we have decided to set up a Friday Treats system in the class where the students will operate a rota system of baking their speciality for the class.