Compost Bins

The children in 5th and 6th have been learning about renewable and non renewable natural resources. Soil is non renewable but it can last for hundreds of years if cared for. We decided to make compost bins so show how we can care for the soil.

We recycled waxed cartons and created two translucent windows (so we can see what is happening Inside the carton). We added soil and some worms to help look after the soil and keep it in good condition. We ensured that each side had 3 air holes for the soil and worms to breathe. Once the bin structure was ready the children added in vegetable peelings they had brought in from home along with some grass. They were careful to layer the contents carefully to ensure that the materials were evenly spread throughout the bins. The last step was to place the worms on top.

We are looking forward to being able to observe the composting process first hand and we hope that it will inspire lots of you to also do this in your homes!