An t-Earrach sa Killmacurragh


Over recent weeks the children in 3rd and 4th class have been learning all about the current season, an t-Earrach. They have been learning lots of phrases and new vocabulary. They made some beautiful posters about Spring.

The class then got the opportunity to take their search for signs of spring to the National Botanic Gardens in Killmacurragh. They managed to find na héin ag déanamh neadacha, na huain ag léím, na froganna ag snámh san loch, na bláthanna (lus an chromcinn, pluiríní sneachta, crócus corcra agus noiníní) ag fás agus bachlóga ar na gcrainn.

All the children had a great day out. Many thanks to all the parent helpers on the day and well done to the children for their hard work and excellent behaviour on the trip!