Maths Week 2020

Maths Week in 3rd Class

During Maths Week, 3rd class were very busy solving riddles, using their ‘maths eyes’ to spot maths in the environment, participating in an ‘all about me’ maths activity, playing board games, making a ‘human clock’ outside and learning how to tell the time on an analogue clock. Well done everyone!

Maths Week in 5th and 6th Class

We had a great week celebrating Maths week in 5th and 6th Class. We developed our problem solving skills by creating mazes outside on the basketball court - most seemed ‘impossible’! We also explored Maths outside with lots of different Maths trails which provided so much learning. We developed codes using Caesar Cipher and tried to prove and disprove the theory of the Vitruvian Man. All while learning how to do long division in 5th Class. They deserve a medal! Well done to everyone!

Maths week in Junior Infants

The Junior Infants have been busy working on patterns for maths week this week.

We looked at some places where we might find pattern and discovered that lots of animals have patterns and its what helps us to recognise them. We also realised that lots of our clothes have patterns on them - can you see the patterns in our clothes?

We made our own patterned socks!

Sometimes patterns repeat themselves! We learned that repeat means to do something again and once we could identify a pattern we were able to repeat it over and over to make a repeating pattern. We had lots of fun making repeating patterns on peg boards, with a variety of manipulatives and in our art too!

Of course, it wouldn’t be maths week in Junior Infants if we didn’t make maths hats! I think you will agree that the creative skills of this years hats are outstanding! Well done to all the children for their efforts!

During assembly, we shared our creations with the rest of the school with our maths hat parade!

Maths Week 2020

This week we are celebrating Maths Week 2020. We are enjoying playing maths games, solving maths puzzles and integrating maths into as many other subjects as possible.

Today in Ms Ward’s class we enjoyed grappling with the E puzzle as designed by the English puzzler Henry Dudeney.

With this puzzle players began with their 4 coloured counters on their end of the E. The aim of this puzzle is to get the same coloured counters to the opposite end of the E first. Players played against one another to test strategy and game reading skills. Some players were able to complete this task successfully while others adopted a strategic defensive approach and were unable to succeed in completing this. We then re-did this challenge to work together as partners in completing this puzzle.

We also played some PE games like ‘hit the target’ where we through and kicked different sized balls against the target board. We added together our scores at the end of each round.